Thursday, February 12, 2009

:: Gone ::
soundcheck : Foo Fighters - Learn to Fly

Run and tell all of the angels -
this could take all night.
Think I need a devil to help me
Get things right.

Hook me up a new revolution,
cause this one is a lie;
sat around laughing
and watched the last one die.

I'm looking to the sky to save me -
Looking for a sign of life.
Looking for something help me burn out bright.

I'm looking for a complication,
Looking cos I'm tired of lying.
(I'll) Make my way back home,
When I learn to fly, high.

Image from: Yimmys Yayo


spoken. at 12:33 AM

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

:: I Like Seeing You Bitter ::
soundcheck : Frank Klepachi - Rain in the Night

In two days' time I'll find myself in a country I've never visited - clinging to my belongings and managing a balancing act with my eyes giving equal attention to a pocket map and my surroundings.

Beyond looking for the guesthouse in District 1, I'm walking in with nothing planned. If my cheque comes in February, I might even extend my stay well into late March - but of course, I've not planned anything so I'd rather not toy with that idea too much.

I've got a new (well okay, second hand) toy to play around with - and it'll probably be my most treasured piece of equipment during the journey. Well, hopefully I don't fuck up and mess up my photos but Valerie mentioned there being CD burning services in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap.

One of the bonuses I'm really psyched about though, is the seven-article series that I've agreed to do for a traveller's portal. Write what I want, keep it short and edgy and keep it personal. It's a paid job and it pays for me to really get into it - wherever I'll be. Fucking A-grade awesome.


spoken. at 9:16 AM

Friday, February 06, 2009

:: Knives ::
soundcheck : Incubus - Punch-Drunk's almost four in the morning.

Oh, but Sal! Isn't that a bad thing, seeing as how you're writing an entry two hours before you usually get up for work?

No, because today was my last day showing up for work at Mint (I don't work in a mint - that's just what we call my studio). I guess I was lucky enough to get an early release! Instinctively, I headed straight home to do things like:
  • Take an unjustified and completely unnecessary nap
  • Attempt to lotion my scabbing back myself
  • Go halfway through a Rambo marathon and get bored just moments before the first movie ended.
Yes, because when you can act like a complete pig in the confines and comfort of your own four walls, it's like nothing else matters.

On a more promising note, though; today was also a day of prospects. I don't profess to be the best writer around, but you know it's a very nice thing when you change your facebook status and immediately get two offers for freelance work.

The most interesting thing is, an old friend has professed his company's interest in hiring me as a travel writer. With effect from my upcoming month-long trip, I'll be paid for articles and selected photos!

I hope I'll still be able to get enough work as a Copywriter, but you really can't say no to having more avenues to fund your journeys.

Right before I woke up from a random dream of me trying to hire a bus somewhere in Laos, I started thinking about the journey, and how it'd be so difficult to tear myself from the people I'd be meeting. So I got up to try and shake the feeling off, right? And as if like a sign from above, I see this on my RSS:

Image from FFFFOUND!

Talk about a perfect set of guidelines to live by.

Oh, lastly - I realise there are a lot of people visiting and not leaving comments on the tagboard (or flooble or whatever the hell you call it these days). Hey, I mean, come on - how long does it take to leave a 'mmmm yeah, nice tits' or 'nah, could afford to be a little more firm'? Say something, plzthx.


spoken. at 3:42 AM

"Point your gun in another direction — now that you've cried yourself to sleep."